About Us

French administration can be tricky.

My banking experience made me realise how distressing administrative hassle can become for some of my clients, whom I felt I could better support, if only…


Everything You Want to Know

I come from the retail-banking sector. And the main lesson I took away from that experience is that the only way to get results for the public you serve is to reach out to those who have the know-how in your organisation, or in other competent bodies, and work with them as a team member, with respect and recognition for what added value they bring to your service offer. This is the principle I now apply with all French administrations and other professionals I deal with on a daily basis, for a public in great need of both understanding and support.

  • solutions

The reason I titled this section “Who We Are” is that I rarely work alone. Most times, I call upon the expertise of other professionals to help me get the results I seek, swiftly and efficiently.
Christine Marcombe


The Experts I Work With
Partners Are Key

French public servants, local real-estate professionals, bank and insurance advisors, accountant and legal teams, industry leaders…

Real Estate Consultants

The number One Network in France as far as trustworthiness and reactivity go

Local Accountant Offices

Notaires, Attorneys, etc.
Legal Experts

Experts from all walks of life.